Healing Hormones Naturally #1

This is me…

French Toast Koffie in Hartbeesport

I’ve been on the pill for ten years and after many arguments in my head going back and forth… “Should I stop?” “No I can’t, it’s all I know!” “But I know I have to” “No, not yet…soon” “I have to stop taking it, its bad for my body?!”

I finally did it – I made the call to my gynaecologist’s rooms and told (yes told, before he could talk me out of it) him i’m going off the pill for good. After some silence he asked “what is your reason for wanting to stop” I replied, I simply want my body to function the way it was made to. I want to feel more connected to my body, mind and embrace my cycles. (don’t get me wrong, I was nervous and asked myself if I was doing the right thing.)

So anyways, the story goes like this… here is part 1 of many. I want to share my journey step by step, month by month.

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I’m nearly finished my pack of Yaz and I have 4 pink pills left until I reach the white sugar pills. Dom dom dom… (horror movie sound clip)

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The day has arrived, its 7pm on Friday night and I take my very last pill (as I was instructed by my doctor) and safely discarded the rest of the pack.

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I felt excited and nervous at the same time but I knew in my heart there was no turning back. I did so much research on this topic and found lots of positives and negatives but I couldn’t wait to start my new journey with my body!!

“If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.” – Masaru Emoto

The following Tuesday morning my period started. I experienced a very normal period (even though I hit my built in panic button and thought “OMF what if it doesn’t stop?” for ten whole years I have always controlled my periods with a pill??!! This was not the case, it did stop and I can breath and relax.

I stumbled upon Fertility Fridays on Facebook. It is a great support group where there is a safe space to ask and share questions openly. I also found a charting kit (which I still need to learn) from Leafy Greens Cafe by Claudia Slattery, used for contraception as well as pregnancy so its a life long investment. I was told about a great app called MyFlo (It’s not free on the app store, but its worth paying for). I just didn’t believe that stopping the pill was as bad as everyone made it out to be?? So I continued to read articles, books, magazines and spoke to many women who ditched their pill or at least wanted to.

The MyFlo app supports hormones, PMS & well-being

I realized that it all comes down to lifestyle and well-being. If you eat the right food for your body and exercise…even just a little…you can reduce the side effects of PMS and live a normal period life – without the pill – and you will be able to enjoy your cycles (I know this might sound crazy but hear me out).

I stocked up on vitamins, superfoods and vegetables (these are all listed at the end of this blog) and decided to take take control of my body. I watch what I eat, I choose healthy nourishing foods that I know will benefit me. Its actually amazing how our bodies can talk to us – listen to what it’s telling you and put healthy, wholesome food into it.

Here are a few guidelines I am using to help me get my hormones back on track:

I still have a long journey ahead of me before my hormones balance out but this is a really good start.

  • Eat healthy clean foods – lots of raw organic vegetables, oats, flax seeds/powder & fennel tea. (I will be doing a food blog for this topic soon)
  • Drink lots of water, hydration is so important!
  • Exercise at least 3 times a week, even if you just walk for 30 minutes a day and you get to appreciate nature at the same time!
  • Take time out, if your body is tired give it time to rest.
  • Bath in epsom salts, the magnesium helps relax the muscles in the body
  • Rub clary sage on the lower abdomen for cramps
  • Try get 8 hours of sleep a night. (I know this is easier said then done but it really is important, I drink a cup of chamomile tea before bed to help me relax and often add lavender essential oil into my bath)
  • Breath… sometimes life feels like its on fast forward so just stop, put your phone and/or laptop down and just … breath!
Gluten free oats cooked in almond milk topped with raspberries, blueberries and sunflower seeds

Please share your stories and thoughts with me! #2 coming soon, in the next post I will talk about taking care of your skin during hormonal changes, bloating and more.

Vitamins & Superfoods that support PMS:

Photo Force (42) Dong Quai, Viridian Magnesium Citrate with B6, Vital Women’s multivitamin with cranberry & Solar Vitamin B-Complex “50”, Natures Choice Ground Flaxseeds & Organic Power Plants Protein Plus.

For more healthy inspiring foods follow @jozigirleats on Instagram.

~ Disclaimer ~ I am not a qualified GP/doctor, these are just guidelines and supplements I am currently using. I have done in depth research on this topic and I’m experiencing positive results. Please consult your doctor or healthcare professional before using or trying any product discussed on this post.

4 thoughts on “Healing Hormones Naturally #1

  1. Congratulations! Great post too 😁 I stopped taking the pill about 4 years ago after taking it for over 10years! It honestly took about the first 2 years to really feel like things were balancing out. Your recommendations are spot on to help! Especially epsom salts baths! For those who can’t bath – magnesium oil. Also, taking extra zinc in the luteal phase, and eating differently for the different phases of the cycle – eg eating more healthy carbs like sweet potatoes to help with serotonin levels in the luteal phase.

    Red raspberry leaf tea and also stinging nettle tea help xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a big but important step you have taken… woman to woman I feel I have to say that I am so proud of you! I am also going through the process of coming off of the pill and am taking steps to balance my hormones by visiting a naturopath. I can’t wait to follow your journey. x


    • Thank you so much for all the love! You are making an amazing decision for your body! The best advice I can give to you is to listen to your body and tune in with it, eat nourishing healthy foods and pamper it ❤️ Naturally your hormones will balance out. I can’t wait to share my journey with you!!

      Liked by 1 person

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